Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is very easy for me to not take into consideration the gifts of convenience I receive ALL the time. Well, as the coffee pot is letting me know it's done after getting cued up by Hubby last night, I am grateful for the delay setting, a gift of convenience. Though I don't even want to begin to tell you of my grumblings against this coffee pot! Oh, how prone to wander I am...

Some of the resources I am thanking God for this morning

167. those ten new windows we got shortly after moving in to our house. How wonderful it is to open the windows and get a breeze from outside!

166. our computer and the Internet. Talk about a gift that can be used for evil but can also be used to bring Him so much glory! There are so many great resources online I have taken advantage of. Lord, You know where I am prone to sin in this area. Help me to be ever on guard for sin is deceptive! Help me seek You regarding what it is You are calling me to at a particular time.

165. the Bible! What I would do without the precious Word of God! This book is the greatest resource I have and the only book I open every day. It is the book which not just grows my affections for God but (as Psalm 119:130 says) "imparts understanding to the simple" (aka me!).
164. books that grow my affection for the Lord!

163. a cellphone that allows me to talk with my husband whenever I need or want to.

162. a husband who knows how to make screens for our storm door.

161. my old blow dryer and flat iron which are still hanging in there and working!

160. indoor plumbing

159. being able to listen to a message online at any time, usually for free!

158. hearing a bit of the Truth for Life broadcast by Allistair Begg on Teaching Your Children Well.

157. friends letting us borrow their spreader so William can help get our lawn into shape.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Life is such a gift, Lord. William and I read the local paper yestersday morning and saw that a four year old girl was shot (thankfully, not fatally) as she sat in a car with a family member the other night. The police did apprend the suspects. But, it brings it closer to home when we realized it was literally five blocks down.

Also, on my way to the chiropractor I heard that a twenty-one year old woman died after beign shot while sitting at a red light in SE Chicago. No, not near us, but it reminds me of how each day is a gift. The woman was two months pregnant...

156. Thank You, Lord, for another day of safety for our family.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Thursday Arrives

Well, I have not been able to keep up with recording the endless gifts of the Lord lately but He certainly has been pouring them out and helping me to see His work!

The gifts I've seen lately, in no particular order...

155. being asked to share my testimony at the next Women's Meeting (Strands of Grace) at our church

154. being able to see just how lost I was by rereading old journals that chronicle my life before Christ and that transition to living for Him

153. being transformed by His power

152. more interactions with the girls next door and trying to build that relationship

151. asking Laura, a teenage girl who lives nearby, to teach me Spanish and having her excited to help me

150. not having to take the kiddos with me to my chiropractor appointments due to William's insistance on being home to relieve that small burden from me (thank you, Hubby!)

149. attending our church's weekly Park Day and allowing the kiddos to play with lots of kids

148. having Dad W. desire to get us a new camera after ours broke

147. having time alone with my hubby for 2 nights and being able to really talk and enjoy one another

146. being able to do some short term planning with hubby on our mini-retreat

145. having a Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer who loves me (though I continually sin against Him) and lets me come into His presence and be filled!

Dear God, thank You for giving me this brief time of reflection and remembrance. It is evidence of Your faithfulness and goodness. I pray, in Jesus' name, that You would be glorified through me, in me, and around me this new day and that You would continue to open my eyes to see You more and more and more! I love You...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Manna

In asking the Lord for manna today He graciously provided the following gifts...

Kia, you need to:

144. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

143. Humble yourself before Me, and I will exalt you. (James 4:10)

142. See what passions are at war within you. (James 4:1)

141. Do what you know to be right or else you are sinning against Me. (James 4:17)

In addition to receiving His instruction I was (and still am) the recipient of His blessings! Though my struggles were very real this morning/today, He has given me...

140. Energy to have Circle Time with the kiddos, despite my lack of enthusiasm

139. A body that was able to walk to the library and back with the kiddos, despite moments of having to slow down

138. Food to feed my hungry muchkins upon returning from the library

137. Time to read with Joshua alone

136. A constant awareness of my need to continue cultivating affections for my hubby as he, not my kiddos, is my priority after my relationship with my Lord Jesus

Thank You, most kind and merciful Lord for constantly reminding me of my deseperate need for You. As I grow in seeing my need for You I appreciate all the more these precious gifts. May I unwrap each one with a thankful heart that worships You more.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Undeserved and Surprising Gifts

These are just some of the MANY gifts I've encountered lately. May God open my eyes to see even more!


135. That I can worship the Living God

134. Conversations with strangers in the chiropractor's office

133. Recounting my conversion and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I belong to Him

132. Being humbled as I tried in vain to communicate with the two little girls next door in Spanish

131. Breakfast time sharing about quiet times and having children at the ages of two and three ask questions and desire to know more about God.

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Gifts

130. another day of safety for our family

129. our chickenwire fence which creates a safe space for the kiddos to play (so they don't get hit by the cars that like to turn around in our driveway) yet still allows us to interact with our neighbors

128. more opportunties to build with those in our neighborhood

127. remembering to use (and actually having) coupons at the store

126. being reminded that kadin and his temper and personality are gifts from God. God has work He is wanting to do in me through me mothering kadin. the sanctification process is still ON. Lord, give me grace to remember that, believe that, and rest in that wonderful truth.

125. hearing joshua ask saraina if she would pray for him this evening.

124. having nothing on the calendar tomorrow! daddy, mommy, and the kiddos... a true family day!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Life

123. Cousin Hamilton Ibrahim Whitney was born today to Uncle Freeman and Auntie Jenny. Thank You, Lord God, for the gift of this precious baby's life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Insurance & Friends

Gifts from the Lord...

122. A friend coming over to allow me to go to the chiropractor without the kiddos. (Thank, Bethany! Seriously, thank you very much!!!!)

121. Health insurance that covers chiropractic care! I truly can feel a difference this evening after getting my 3rd adjustment. What a gift!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Simple Things (i.e the stuff I take for granted)

This list by itself could reach 1000 gifts though I'm only going to document some. Lord, continually bring to my remembrance how good I've got it because I live in this country and how great I've got it because I'm saved by Your grace alone!

120. color - the different colors of people, trees, animals, foods, the sun, you name it! God sure does reveal His majesty through it!

119. access to the internet

118. running water

117. toilets, even those yucky public ones I refuse to sit on

116. the refrigerator in our garage which allows me to buy more things in bulk and on sale

115. cloth diapers - though I don't use them for the kiddos bottoms anymore, there are still so many uses!

114. a double sink in the kitchen

113. Priceline (We're having a Hubby-Wifey Retreat and get two nights in a hotel!!!)

112. seasons of life (not just Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. the seasons the Lord has us go through to grow us, refine us, mold us, rebuke us, etc. periods of ease and periodsof constant battling.

111. sweet endings (i.e. putting the kiddos to bed and just talking with them about the things they can thank God for or hearing the people they want to lift up in prayer)

Monday, May 12, 2008

There are so many I could write, especially from this past weekend. Perhaps I'll add to this list later. But, for now, here are two good and perfect gifts from the Lord...

110. the opportunity to humble myself in front of the kiddos by crying out in prayer this afternoon as I continued to face temptation after temptation on the way to, during, and then after the chiropractor appointment. Thank You, Lord, for having mercy on me!

109. giggling with the kiddos in Joshua's bed as I told them a story (aka made up a story on the fly - an idea from my friend Jerusha). It was so cute how even as I was leaving their room I could hear Saraina reciting one of the repetitive lines.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Another Work Week Closes

Fridays have always been exciting days for me but now that I am married Fridays are that much more special! Spending time with my hubby is my most favorite thing in the world (after spending time with the Savior, of course) as he is my most favorite person in the world (after the Savior, of course). Even after having children that I ADORE and would do anything for, my prince remains in that precious #2 space in my heart. (Yes, my Savior has that #1 spot!)

These gifts are ones I've received from the Lord from my man, my prince, my hubby bubby... William...

108. Joshua ADORES his papa! He wants to be just like his daddy when he grows up! What a gift it is having a son who always thinks so highly of his daddy. Yeah, maybe that's normal but it is still a gift for me to see it and be affected by it.

107. He is approachable and will listen to my concerns, challenges, and crazy ideas. Though he may want me to shut up, he NEVER communicates that. It is such a gift having him simply listen to me.

106. He knows how to have fun and will make time for it. That is one little way of how I want to be more like him. Just as an example, last night there was some major police activity outside our dining room windows. What does my hubby do? He pulls two chairs up to the window, raises the blinds all the way and we pretend we are watching Cops... but only live! The only thing missing was popcorn!

105. He does the dishes every night he is home. Oh- and he literally does the dishes b/c we don't have a dishwasher. As he says, he IS the dishwasher!

104. He is incredibly understanding and extends grace to me day after day, even when he wakes up and there's no clean underwear in his drawer!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Barriers Now Opportunities

On our main blog I'm in the process of posting an entry called "Barriers Now Opportunities" and I couldn't resist doing something similar here. The gifts listed here are things I saw as barriers initially but, with the help of the Lord, are now opportunities for me to trust the Lord.

105. My hubby's night meetings were a nuissance at first that really tempted me to anger. I now see how kind of the Lord to bestow the gift of a husband who provides for his family in addition to giving me opportunities to accomplish things I would not normally have time to get done. Thank You, Lord, for showing me that I can redeem the time with Your grace!

104. Food limitations due to food allergies is showing me I have a real opportunity to serve my family. This "barrier" is really a gift from the Sovereign Lord to help me grow in putting others first, beginning with my fam!

103. Not having a clue of what to do with 25-pounds of brown sweet rice could've been a barrier but instead it has become an opportunity to be creative in my cooking and trusting God to help me in that.

102. Language barrier turned into opportunity for me to humbly recognize my need for others' help in learning Spanish. It is also revealing an opportunity for me to grow in compassion and act on that compassion as it relates to my Spanish-speaking neighbors. God mercifully provided just the friend to be here at just the right moment to speak Spanish with one of the neighbors I've desperately wanted to connect with. Lord, You amaze me by Your timing and creativity!

101. Barrier of taking the whole crew with me to my 30-week prego appointment turned into blessing as a friend (the same one from gift #102) offered to watch my kiddos for me, allowing me to go to the doctor appointment with ease and get answers to the questions I had. (In case you happen to read this, Hanna, thank-you so very much!) The opportunity in this was simply trust God to provide a way. Opportunities to trust come my way lots so I believe the Lord is really working on me in this particular area!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Counting my Gifts

Tonight I get to record five gifts from today and round my gifts up to a cool one hundred. But in doing so, I think of all the gifts I have not recorded. All the gifts I am fearful to record. All the gifts I have not been aware of. All the gifts I have taken for granted. All the gifts I've tried in vain to take credit for.

Lord, increase my vision for Your hand in my life, Your hand that upholds me, Your hand that created me. Help me to be ever-growing in seeing Your goodness and giving You praise. May I see, hear, taste, smell, and feel You more and sing Your praises more as a result. As Matt Redman says, "Worship starts with seeing You." I want to see You more. I want to recognize You more as I experience all these undeserved gifts.

100. Having a Hubby that lets me buy over $200 worth of healthy bulk food and is willing to eat it (or at least try it!)

99. Blowing bubbles on the porch and playing out back after the rain

98. Pushing through fear of man and using my nonexistent Spanish to speak to the two little girls next door. Amazing how a smile is read and understood regardless of the language barrier.

97. Hearing, "Mommy, I like when you read to me."

96. Getting an appointment with a chiropractor scheduled!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This evening I am thankful for the gifts of...

95. clean sheets and quilts on the beds

94. a friend willing to watch the kiddos so I can go to my 30 week appt without the whole gang

93. hearing Kadin say his two words: Amen & gentle

92. getting a shower before Hubby went to work AND not having to do anything with my hair

91. being able to bake bread from scratch with my own hands

Monday, May 5, 2008

How our cup overflows! Thank You, my King for these gifts...

90. Hubby's job! A year ago today, he was still unemployed. How You provide for Your people!

89. Receiving a bag of clothes for Saraina from our pastor's wife. I am so humbled that she would even think of us! And Saraina's response to the clothes: "Oh! It's beautiful! Please may I put on? Please. May I?"

88. That God always provides "a way out" of temptations.

87. Hearing Joshua respond like so when asked what he should do when he wakes up in the morning: "Stay on my bed and have my quiet time."

86. Seeing Joshua and Saraina embrace to comfort the other. So often Saraina will simply open her arms and look at Joshua and Joshua knows she needs a hug from her big bro.

Friday, May 2, 2008

There seems to be a trend here lately as I have been getting home too late to update this blog on things the Lord has showed me are true GIFTS from Him, the Gift Giver! Ah well, He is not going to punish me for my tardiness. I must remind myself that I'm writing this to recount and remember His kindness to my fam and I, there is no rush and His gifts are endless!

Gifts from yesterday...

85. Watching the kiddos enjoy their Grammy (and vice versa!) outdoors.

84. Coupons. Thank You for the gift of getting out alone for a quick meal with my Hubby, Lord, and for allowing it to cost less than $8. We were able to talk about important things without being excessively tired. Indeed we are starting to think through and seek You on what You might be calling us to in terms of homeschooling and training our kiddos. That is an incredible date night!

83. Kadin's doctor appt (15 month) going well and Grammy was here freeing me to take him solo! Mercy from the Lord!

82. Receiving $$ to get the kiddos some Spring/Summer gear

81. Getting my hair relaxed by a professional (i.e. it did not cause scabs or burns and my wait was not long) who has a similar philospohy in treating black hair, meaning our hair is not BAD or NAPPY. What a treat it is not having to mess with those horrible chemicals! Thank You, Lord for Niecy's skills and for my Hubby who willingly and joyful allowed me to get this done!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Last night I got home a bit too late to post my gifts from yesterday. Well, as the title of the post suggests, I am so thankful to the Savior for OTHERS. Specifically, I see the gifts of...

80. my adorable husband who is so attentive to me and our little fam

79. having so many gifted women in my church willing to share their experiences with homeschooling

78. being spurred on in my walk with the Lord from my own little kiddos

77. having a mother-in-law willing to change her plans at a moments notice to allow me to attend something unexpectant by babysitting the kiddos