Thursday, October 30, 2008


217. Went to the grocery store this morning with the kiddos. The kiddos did another GREAT job. It's always a training opportunity when I take them with me shopping! (Training for them and me!) But aside from the blessing of the kiddos doing well, look at all the Lord provided for us!

All that abundance!

Here's the specifics:

2 cans sweetened condensed milk (for dulce de leche!)
1 hothouse cucumber

2 loaves bread
2 dozen eggs
1 bag hamburger buns
2 bags of salad mix
1 pack food coloring
6 boxes jello
1 box red velvet cake (for Saraina-bug's bday! She picked this out!)
1 avocado
1 box Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
4 Kraft Deluxe Mac-n-Cheese (for those rough days!)
3 cups of yogurt
2 bags of shredded cheese
2 boxes Life cereal
4 boxes Strawberry Mini Wheats
1 jar FrogRanch all natural salsa (couldn't pass up! Was marked down to 65 cents!)

And the grand total? $35.29! Praise God! I saved $47.32! AND I earned $5 off my next shopping trip! Talk about exceedingly, adbundantly more!

That IS a gift from The Giver! Thanks You, O Great God!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Impromptu Songs

216. I took the boys with me to CVS for a quick run to get some cheap candy for our neighbors who may stop by on the 31st. Joshua saw some really tacky and scary Halloween decorations and inquired why they were in the store. After a brief response I hear him singing rather loudly, "O be careful little eyes what you see! For the Father up above is looking down in love so be careful little eyes what you see!"

Amen. Amen. Amen!

Friday, October 24, 2008


215. Bethany taught me how to sew using a new (oldie, but goodie) sewing machine from Grammy. I've actually had it in my possesion for a while but haven't had any time to actually LEARN how to use it. And I'm not one of those folks who can just read it and learn it. I need to experience it.

Have you learned anything new lately? Well, I forget how hard it is learning something. And my take-away is that it is tough learning!

But BLee (as I now like to refer to Bethany) was patient and knowledgeable and was a believer in making something as a means of learning the craft/art of sewing. Cool. What to make?

For as long as I've lived in this big 'ole house on the corner I've wanted curtains. Well, enter project one!

As couple of weeks back I purchased a greatly discounted shower curtain from Walmart that my fashion-less eye though might make a good curtain in our kitchen. So, with much help from BLee (especially with the pinning! There must be a trick to pinning.) I made my first curtain!

Wanna see?

Don't laugh.

Well, you can laugh. I won't know unless you tell me. Even then, I'm just so amazed that I was able to do it that I won't be bothered.

Here's my unfinished kitchen curtain. (I will add a valance... some day in the near future.)

Taa dah...

Lord, thank You for the gift of learning. You could've made us in such a way that we could not learn but not so. You, in Your mercy, kindness, greatness, and love, made us in Your image to create things. So, thank You for providing everything I needed to make these curtains. To You be the glory!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


214. Silence. Lord, thank You for granting me this brief period of SILENCE. You provide me with ALL I need. Even the little moments of silence that I desperately need to "regroup" and prepare my heart for the rest of the day. Only You know exactly what I'm talking about so I thank You, O Sovereign One, for knowing me so intimately that You are giving me a few moments to hear the ticking of the clock. The clicking of this keyboard. The sound gentle hum of vehicles passing by our home as they travel on the wet roads. Oh it is good to enjoy silence!