Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pops, Home Schooling, Plumbing

249. My Prince and I have such fun together.  Being married is wonderful!  What a gift from You!  Last night we decided (impromptu, of course!) to rearrange our main floor!  Looking forward to seeing you after your night meeting, Pops!

248. Started officially home schooling the kiddos this week after Hubby and I sat down and talked through our goals and thoughts.  I am sure we will re-evaluate as we continue to move forward but we are beginning with a unified vision.

247. Plumber fixed our leak!  Did a great job!  And we got a very good rate for his services (Hubby knows the guy through his job).  To top it off I was able to pay guy in cash.  Yipee!  Paid in full means no seeing it later on a credit card statement!  Thank You, Lord God!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jetta Running in the Cold

246. Jetta started yesterday.  William was able to drive her to work.  It also started this morning despite it being 3 degrees outside!  Thank You, O Gracious One!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Books, Butter, and More Books

245. Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy by Paul David Tripp.  Received this book over Christmas and am reading one chapter/meditation per week to be reminded of my sinfulness and His amazing grace.  Thanks, Papa!

244. A Mom Just Like You by Vickie Farris & Jayme Farris Metzgar.  Received this book as a gift and just cried as I read the 2 brief parts before the Intro.  What a blessing that book will be and is already.  I plan to read a chapter once a week to be encouraged as I seek to home school our kiddos.  Thanks, B!

243. Almond butter in the fridge.  Thank You, Lord, for giving us the money to allow me to take advantage of that sale on almond butter last month!  Almond butter in the fridge is SUCH a blessing.

242. BLee letting me borrow her car and run to the library to pick up my books that were being held!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Joshua's Prayer

241. Daddy had a meeting last night.  It was just me and the kiddos.  I got the meal ready and we all joined hands to thank God.  Well, to my surprise, Joshua asked to say the prayer.  Of course, I obliged.  Here's what he prayed,

"Amen.  Dear Jesus, thank You for our dinner.  Thank You for Mommy giving us our food.  And thank You for Saraina and Kadin.  Amen."

No words can adequately describe how that makes this Mama's heart feel.  Lord, You are good!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Long List of Blessings

240. Knowing there are many praying for me

239. Money to register for a Marriage Retreat in MN and BLee all set to watch the bigger three!

238. An American Express gift card we didn't know we had that has $$ on it!

237. A scheduled date night this evening!!!!!  I love time alone with my hubby!

236. time to blog!

235. Saraina asking me for a hug a lunchtime.

234. Paloma not spitting up lots anymore and settling in to a nice schedule that works well with the other kiddos.

233. Joshua asking to "do school" constantly.

232. Impromptu conversations with other adults.

231. Fun Christmas gifts the kiddos got from random fam members.  They will make homeschooling and home managing a bit more manageable.

230. The minivan working.  William has had to take it to work every day this week since it has been so cold and the Jetta won't start.

229. Reading an article for care group on Judging Others.  Not done but already grateful for what I have already read.

228. The sound of child's creative play.  Kids really don't need much to have fun.

227. A home with heat and warm, clean clothes for each of us to wear.

226. Attending the homeschool meeting of my church.  Those women are such "powerhouses" of the faith and so encourage me as a mama.

225. Sleep in my own bed.

224. Kadin David's 2nd birthday.  For more on our little manimal, go HERE.

223. a new computer (we're MAC peeps now)