Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big Gifts that are Too Big to Ignore

I am bummed I haven't been updating this blog. There have been SOOOOO many gifts to remember... And prone to forget I am. Lord, here are just a few to share...

325. Thank You, Father, for granting me a free copy of the book Revolution in World Missions. I think that book will become one of my top ten as I am being greatly challenged and provoked to live more for You by being bolder in doing what I can to share the Gospel with the world. In fact, thank You for helping me to see my neighbors as those You bled and died on the Cross for. That picture helped me deliver some of our garden tomatoes to Javier and to now pray for him. Would You grant another opportunity and help me to seize it when I see it!

324. Cloth diapering is actually going well! Surprisingly it is not that big of a deal. But, I will need more to realistically fully do it with two kids. Yet, I praise You and thank You for allowing me the finances to get some diapers to try it out and also a willing hubby that supports my stinky ideas that will hopefully save us MUCH!

323. William attended a Men's Retreat on Saturday and was so blessed by his response to my question of how it went: "Excellent! It was an outstanding Men's Retreat!" Lord, oh to see You at work in my hubby is just electrifying! Thank You for this retreat and how You will and are already working in the lives of the men of our church. I have no doubt the wives will benefit from that time investment!

322. Lord, I am loving my new Bosch mixer! I can almost see a day when I won't need to run out to the store and get bread for lunch! What a tremendous difference in the texture and even taste of the bread with this machine! And our homemade pizza is DELICIOUS! We'll have to get a pizza stone one day to make it even more authentic!

321. SSR Time! We started another idea of Papa's that he got from a radio program he heard over the summer. We are calling it SSR which stands for Special Sabbath Rest. Basically, it is our way of making Sundays a day that is different from every other day by having a special time (30 minutes for our current season) in the afternoon to do something that allows us to REST in Him. We've explained it to the kids as a time similar to our morning Quiet Times but special because it can involve something we don't get to in our morning QT like reading a book about God, journalling about what He's done, having an extended time of prayer, listening to something that can grow our affections to for Savior, etc.

320. Our Family Worship Time led by and spearheaded by our own Papa is a great hit! I love that William has decided to read through Psalms, have a time of prayer, and then worship time. The kids are now at the age of being capable of actively participating. In fact, even Kadin shared his prayer request - for help staying in his bed at nighttime. Lord, thank You for these precious times as a little family. Thank You that William is being led to continue growing in his parenting and training of our kiddos. Thank You for our kiddos response to these times. May this be a sweet memory they have of growing up, us reading Your Word, praying, and singing songs to You... constantly.

319. Paloma has made it through TWO Sundays without me being called to get her!

318. I officially have a "Mother's Helper!" And not just any old mother's helper! I have the best, dare I say, most sought after 17-year old in our area to help me in any way I need it. Raquel already knows the kids b/c she's been serving us by babysitting for us every care group not at our home. We had our first day of her helping last week and I walked in with our groceries to a mopped floor and all dishes washed AND put away! I actually cried a bit I was so overwhelmed. Lord, You alone know just how meaningful this service is to me. May Raquel (and her parents!) be blessed for their great kindness.

317. Received an ENORMOUS deep freezer from the Dancas a couple nights ago. Wow! When I emptied our current side by side freezer contents into it is maybe filled it an eighth full! It's so big I can't reach the very bottom! Your gifts are so much more than we can imagine!

316. Baby #5 had an irregular heartbeat about a month or more ago but it doesn't seem to be anything to worry about. So grateful for Norreen (the midwife) and her calm yet swift response. Thank You that I can go to a midwife opposed to a doctor as that better suits our needs/desires. You are kind to grant us this, Lord!