Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (ESV)
The Message translation of the above Scripture reads,
Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
That is my prayer for me. That is my prayer for my family. That is my prayer for God's people!

Won't you join me?
Here's where I am beginning. These are some of the GIFTS I am giving Him thanks for today...
10. Thank you for evenings together, just me and my hubby.
9. Thank you for a husband that doesn't get angry when he opens his drawer and find no clean underwear.
8. Thank you dinner turned out well (a beef roast cooked in coffee) and everyone ate.
7. Thank you for drawing my attention to Proverbs 31:27 this morning.
6. Thank you for allowing me see Kadin apologize to Joshua by walking over to him and placing his head on Joshua's chest.
5. Thank you for a husband that shares his thoughts and daily experiences with me and blesses me by allowing me to know what he's thinking.
4. Thank you for allowing me to briefly speak with Ed, the mailman.
3. Thank you for the sun shining and allowing us to play outside in the backyard for a bit.
2. Thank you for the growth of the tomato plants.
1. Thank you for Joshua praying for the pain in my belly this morning before I even asked him to pray.
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