Monday, July 21, 2008


Children are a blessing. They are a gift. But they also are a lot of work and I often focus on the work than the blessing part. In fact, just as I sat down to begin this blog entry our newest arrival, Paloma Joy, started making noises in the monitor. My time of blogging is limited. But that is God's kindness to me.

William has had a tough day (or still is, actually as he's at another night meeting right now!) too. We've both felt the Enemy of our Soul trying to lure us away from our Source of Help, our Savior. As I reminded William and myself a little earlier, God has plans for us and nothing, no one, nada can thwart those plans for His glory and our good. God has work for each of us to do THIS day and no more, no less. He will be faithful to give us just what we need, when we need it, and how we need it. He is sooo good!

But, I still feel like I am juggling too much and everything keeps falling down. I've been drawing on my own strength and (no surprise!) failing. I told Joshua many times today that we need Jesus, that we can do nothing good on our own. SO, juggling doing laundry, cleaning (or not cleaning) the bathroom, changing dirty diapers, preparing meals, nursing, wiping up spit up, trying to comfort my kiddos who like to cry at the same time, and making time for me to go to the potty... it all seems impossible. And I feel like I'm failing. But, the One who created all the stars, who calls them by name, who providentially had me have four kiddos in less than four years... He holds all things together. And that includes me. He is holding me together and pouring out His grace and mercy.

In light of that, these are the gifts I want to say THANK YOU to God for...

199. waking me up to have my quiet time every morning. Thank You, thank You, thank You!

198. another doctor appt tomorrow so I can share my continued concerns over her spitting up. Lord, would you grant the dr. wisdom to know just what to do and say and recommend.

197. kiddos that love the Bible

196. my husband's job - they gave us a $100 gift card to Babies R Us!

195. cool breezes in July

194. watching and listening to Joshua and Saraina play trains together

193. the meals our care group has provided for us

192. letting the kiddos and I get outside for a little today.

191. William noticing a leak in the ceiling above our computer, contacting a plumber he knows through his job, the plumber coming out quickly and solving our problem for $75!!!! Lord, how kind of You to work out every little detail!

190. my sister for coming out to visit for the 1st time as I was expecting Paloma. We hope you and Celeste enjoyed your time because your visit really was a gift from God to us!

189. my babies Daddy, aka my Prince. I tell you, William is by far the greatest gift outside of salvation. Walking this road together truly increases my affection and adoration for you, Pops. I still do!!!

188. my Paloma Joy, who arrived on July 9th, 2008 at 8 PM. Holding her close is one of the great joys I will cherish always.

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