Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saraina's hernia - repaired!

292. Saraina's surgery to repair her umbilical hernia... completed as of yesterday, June 26th! Thankful William's work load was such (and his priority to be home with our other children during a time like this!) that everything went fairly smoothly. Lord, thank You for granting our family a sweet time of petitioning You to heal her without medical intervention, thank You for reminding me that You are the healer, for Saraina's surgery being scheduled first thing in the morning, for good hospital care, for our health insurance, for Saraina's response to the entire experience, for the alone time I was able to have with my sweet biggest girl, for strength to complete all You had in store for me though I was weary, for a husband who is the greatest husband I could ever imagine and the unbelievable Daddy he is to our kiddos! My cup is truly overflowing...

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