Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Busy Seasons

222. Thank You, Father, for granting me this busy season. I never would have imagined or even desired this season eight years ago but You, in Your perfect sovereignty knew what would bring You glory and what would be best for me. You are infinitely kind!

Thank You for putting me in a position to celebrate the birthday of my spouse (back in August) and then celebrate my own bday (back in Oct.) with our little fam in our own little way. Thank You for giving us two kiddos bdays to celebrate in November (JCW & SEW) along with Thanksgiving and our anniversary! Oh... and to kick off the Christmas season with anticipation to soon celebrate another child's bday (in Jan.)! And to think that another little one (PJW) will be half a year by then!

Our lives are busy. But that IS a blessing. I don't want it to stop! You have granted me opportunity after opportunity to sing Your praise. Would You grow me in this area, Lord? Remind me to continually turn my selfish gaze to You. The One worthy of all praise, all glory, all honor, and all that I have to offer!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


221. Lord, You overflow my cup! I am wowed by how often I get an email, phone call, note, or how someone will post a comment on one of our blogs telling me they are or have been praying for me. Thank You, Lord, for those individuals who have been led by Your Spirit to pray for me. Would you pour out Your mercy and blessing on them this new day.

Monday, November 17, 2008


220. Today marks our SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY! Celebrating God's kindness to me by allowing me to be married to my prince.

Thank You, Father, for the gift of marriage. Grow our love for one another as we live for The Audience of One. May our marriage point our children to You. Help us to remember the marriage is sacred and a gift that must not be neglected. And though we love our kiddos, remind us often that our marriage comes before them. Indeed when our marriage is strong and in the proper place, our parenting will be better. Show us where we are prone to drift from what You have called us to and give us the strength necessary to fight those temptations with faith. All for Your glory!

And to my prince, William... I still do!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God's Purposes Will Stand

219. Proverbs 19:21 says,

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.

Thank You, my Rock and Redeemer, for having purposes set out for me today. And thank You that Your purposes, not mine, WILL STAND. I am comforted by that wonderful truth for I know I can do no good thing without Your divine and perfect intervention and grace.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Prince William

218. Lord, I LOVE being married. Thank You for the gift of marriage. Specifically, thank You for allowing me to be married to WDW! We have so much fun doing life together.

Thank You for his corny humor (most of which I don't get, which makes it that much funnier) that lightens the most tense of situations.

Thank You for gifting him to work with his hands. I love watching him fix ceiling fans, lights, lawn mowers, and do annoying tasks that bless me.

I love hearing him as he walks takes training opportunities that frequently arise.

I love how he plans dates nights that are right up my alley.

I love how he finds me attractive especially when I feel completely the opposite.

I love how he makes time EVERY day to meet with You and seek You before starting his work day.

I love how he sees "my" side of the family as "his" family.

I love that we are approaching our 7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY and are more in love with one another now than when we first married.

Thank You, Father, for my Hubby!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


217. Went to the grocery store this morning with the kiddos. The kiddos did another GREAT job. It's always a training opportunity when I take them with me shopping! (Training for them and me!) But aside from the blessing of the kiddos doing well, look at all the Lord provided for us!

All that abundance!

Here's the specifics:

2 cans sweetened condensed milk (for dulce de leche!)
1 hothouse cucumber

2 loaves bread
2 dozen eggs
1 bag hamburger buns
2 bags of salad mix
1 pack food coloring
6 boxes jello
1 box red velvet cake (for Saraina-bug's bday! She picked this out!)
1 avocado
1 box Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
4 Kraft Deluxe Mac-n-Cheese (for those rough days!)
3 cups of yogurt
2 bags of shredded cheese
2 boxes Life cereal
4 boxes Strawberry Mini Wheats
1 jar FrogRanch all natural salsa (couldn't pass up! Was marked down to 65 cents!)

And the grand total? $35.29! Praise God! I saved $47.32! AND I earned $5 off my next shopping trip! Talk about exceedingly, adbundantly more!

That IS a gift from The Giver! Thanks You, O Great God!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Impromptu Songs

216. I took the boys with me to CVS for a quick run to get some cheap candy for our neighbors who may stop by on the 31st. Joshua saw some really tacky and scary Halloween decorations and inquired why they were in the store. After a brief response I hear him singing rather loudly, "O be careful little eyes what you see! For the Father up above is looking down in love so be careful little eyes what you see!"

Amen. Amen. Amen!

Friday, October 24, 2008


215. Bethany taught me how to sew using a new (oldie, but goodie) sewing machine from Grammy. I've actually had it in my possesion for a while but haven't had any time to actually LEARN how to use it. And I'm not one of those folks who can just read it and learn it. I need to experience it.

Have you learned anything new lately? Well, I forget how hard it is learning something. And my take-away is that it is tough learning!

But BLee (as I now like to refer to Bethany) was patient and knowledgeable and was a believer in making something as a means of learning the craft/art of sewing. Cool. What to make?

For as long as I've lived in this big 'ole house on the corner I've wanted curtains. Well, enter project one!

As couple of weeks back I purchased a greatly discounted shower curtain from Walmart that my fashion-less eye though might make a good curtain in our kitchen. So, with much help from BLee (especially with the pinning! There must be a trick to pinning.) I made my first curtain!

Wanna see?

Don't laugh.

Well, you can laugh. I won't know unless you tell me. Even then, I'm just so amazed that I was able to do it that I won't be bothered.

Here's my unfinished kitchen curtain. (I will add a valance... some day in the near future.)

Taa dah...

Lord, thank You for the gift of learning. You could've made us in such a way that we could not learn but not so. You, in Your mercy, kindness, greatness, and love, made us in Your image to create things. So, thank You for providing everything I needed to make these curtains. To You be the glory!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


214. Silence. Lord, thank You for granting me this brief period of SILENCE. You provide me with ALL I need. Even the little moments of silence that I desperately need to "regroup" and prepare my heart for the rest of the day. Only You know exactly what I'm talking about so I thank You, O Sovereign One, for knowing me so intimately that You are giving me a few moments to hear the ticking of the clock. The clicking of this keyboard. The sound gentle hum of vehicles passing by our home as they travel on the wet roads. Oh it is good to enjoy silence!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


213. On our date this evening, Hubby shared with me some precious memories he's thought about recently. Lord, it is a gift from you being able to recount moments we've shared together. Thank You for our memories which allow us to remember just how faithful, kind, merciful, and loving You are.

Friday, September 19, 2008


212. Thank You, Lord, for how exhausted I feel right now. That seems strange but it's really quite beautiful. I am exhausted because it has been a full day of doing the work you have set before me: grocery shopping, cleaning, training kiddos, cooking, changing diapers, folding clothes, more shopping, attending care group, and more. So I am exhausted but will climb into bed with a smile tonight. I can smile and be filled with joy because I am fully aware of your sustaining power. You, Father, have sovereignly given me this day to live, experience, teach, learn, be challenged, work, laugh and I thank You for it.

You truly are the Giver of all good things!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Box, New Binder, New Journal

211. Empty big boxes! Lord, what fun kids can have with empty boxes of all sizes. Thank You for the gift card we received that allowed us to get a new highchair and a new big box! The kids have enjoyed creative play and I see my need for You more as I try to be consistent in training them to play in a kind way together.

210. My coupon binder is such a gift, Lord. Having an organizational tool that allows me to file and quickly find coupons to save our family money is such a blessing. Lord, keep me very aware of the fact that ANY money I save through this venture is simply and completely evidence of YOUR amazing kindness and grace in supplying all of our family's needs and so much more!

209. Beginning a new journal and looking over the one I just completed is a big gift from the Lord. It is a log of what the Lord has led me to read and learn about Him. This morning as I began copying my prayer list to my new journal I just marveled at the blessing it is being able to pray for other people.

Thank You, Lord, for such a tangible gift that allows me to see the many ways You've moved in my life and the lives of others. How can I not sing Your praises this day!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


208. Thank You, Lord, for growing me in the area of home managing and home making. The gift I want to thank You for tonight is for granting me energy, resources, and joy in trying to lower our our family's grocery budget. I pray that You would keep me on guard for my temptation to hoard and be all-consumed with this endeavor. You have so blessed me with a husband who supports me in couponing, far-reaching and surprising resources to obtain them, and even with the ability to learn how to do it. May You be glorified through this new thing of mine.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Circle Time

207. Circle Time is high on my "Gotta Do Daily" list. It's just after having my own QT on days when William works. When I make time (by the grace of God!) for Circle Time the Lord ALWAYS, faithfully, in His own way meets us. Today I read part of the passage in Scripture that I read during my personal QT (Matthew 6:25-34) and really was blessed by being able to share my own struggles with anxiousness with Joshua and Saraina.

Lord, You truly provide for ALL our needs. Thank You for helping me see my sinful anxiety and how it affects so many areas of my life (including my kids and hubby!). I am trusting You to help me put this sin area to death for Your glory. I need You, Beautiful Savior. Help me to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness this day...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Colloquy on Rejoicing

from Valley of Vision, A Colloquy on Rejoicing (portions)

Remember, O my soul,
It is thy duty and privilege to rejoice in God:
He requires it of thee for all his favours of grace.
Rejoice then in the Giver and his goodness,
Be happy in him, O my heart, and in nothing but God,
for whatever a man trusts in,
from that he expects happiness...

Art thou seeking to rejoice in thyself
from an evil motive of pride and self-reputation?
Thou hast nothing of thine own but sin,
nothing to move God to be gracious
or to continue his grace towards thee...

Sorrow for self opens rejoicing in God,
Self-loathing draws down divine delights...

Let God be all in all to thee,
and joy in the fountain that is always full.

Gifts I recognize...

206. Focusing on MY sin. That's the only way to see how great the Lord is and to see Him at work in my life!

205. Yesterday was a "great" day. My first attempt at getting PJW on a schedule (of sorts, more for my santity than anything else) went well. Able to spend some quality time with the bigger kiddos. Able to be semi-consistent in training/disciplining kiddos. Able to have Circle Time with kiddos. Made it through the rough period (4pm - 7pm) - I struggle greatly in getting dinner on the table, everyone fed (including PJW who always needs to eat again as the bigger kids are eating!), everyone ready for bed and in bed. But we had a peaceful evening routine, for the most part.

204. financial gift from distant family. Totally unexpected, totally not necessary or deserved. Totally and completely a result of God's work in those family member's lives. (You know who you are. We are so thankful to God for your generosity!)

203. $275 in Babies R Us gift cards from William's job for the arrival of Paloma Joy! Diapers are expensive and this is a TREMENDOUS help and gift from God!

202. Bethany will be moving in this weekend to stay with us for a year. (I know. News to just about everyone!) We truly believe (though adjustments will need to be made all around) this will be a blessing to her and our fam. I am so excited - which is a miracle and a blessing from God!

201. took Paloma off Zantac after only 24-hours. Grateful for WDW's leaderships there and our unity in that decision. The Lord provided another option (we're trying Colic Calm) and we have peace to give that a try. Overall, I am just thankful that God is sovereign over our little girl's life and in fact loves her way more than we ever could. And, He is faithful to provide for His children. Thank You, Father, for watching over every part of her life!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nursing my Babies

200. I desperately want to nurse my kiddos and the Lord has granted me that privilege three times, each increasing in length (Joshua was only nursed for three and half to four months but Kadin was nursed for eleven months). So, as I noticed the spit up in Paloma continuing, I prayed that God would allow me to give her something that would allow me to still breastfeed as my version of an eliminiation diet was not bringing results quick enough. God granted that desire, even if temporarily, as the doc put her on Zantac. Thank you, Lord. It is a GIFT from You to hold my babies close and nurse them. Help me to enjoy each moment and not to make an idol out of it. May You be glorified even through me nursing her!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Children are a blessing. They are a gift. But they also are a lot of work and I often focus on the work than the blessing part. In fact, just as I sat down to begin this blog entry our newest arrival, Paloma Joy, started making noises in the monitor. My time of blogging is limited. But that is God's kindness to me.

William has had a tough day (or still is, actually as he's at another night meeting right now!) too. We've both felt the Enemy of our Soul trying to lure us away from our Source of Help, our Savior. As I reminded William and myself a little earlier, God has plans for us and nothing, no one, nada can thwart those plans for His glory and our good. God has work for each of us to do THIS day and no more, no less. He will be faithful to give us just what we need, when we need it, and how we need it. He is sooo good!

But, I still feel like I am juggling too much and everything keeps falling down. I've been drawing on my own strength and (no surprise!) failing. I told Joshua many times today that we need Jesus, that we can do nothing good on our own. SO, juggling doing laundry, cleaning (or not cleaning) the bathroom, changing dirty diapers, preparing meals, nursing, wiping up spit up, trying to comfort my kiddos who like to cry at the same time, and making time for me to go to the potty... it all seems impossible. And I feel like I'm failing. But, the One who created all the stars, who calls them by name, who providentially had me have four kiddos in less than four years... He holds all things together. And that includes me. He is holding me together and pouring out His grace and mercy.

In light of that, these are the gifts I want to say THANK YOU to God for...

199. waking me up to have my quiet time every morning. Thank You, thank You, thank You!

198. another doctor appt tomorrow so I can share my continued concerns over her spitting up. Lord, would you grant the dr. wisdom to know just what to do and say and recommend.

197. kiddos that love the Bible

196. my husband's job - they gave us a $100 gift card to Babies R Us!

195. cool breezes in July

194. watching and listening to Joshua and Saraina play trains together

193. the meals our care group has provided for us

192. letting the kiddos and I get outside for a little today.

191. William noticing a leak in the ceiling above our computer, contacting a plumber he knows through his job, the plumber coming out quickly and solving our problem for $75!!!! Lord, how kind of You to work out every little detail!

190. my sister for coming out to visit for the 1st time as I was expecting Paloma. We hope you and Celeste enjoyed your time because your visit really was a gift from God to us!

189. my babies Daddy, aka my Prince. I tell you, William is by far the greatest gift outside of salvation. Walking this road together truly increases my affection and adoration for you, Pops. I still do!!!

188. my Paloma Joy, who arrived on July 9th, 2008 at 8 PM. Holding her close is one of the great joys I will cherish always.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Heavenly Father, thank You for so displaying Your love for me by sending Your only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Thank You that there is now NO condemnation for I wear the robe of Another. So, as I end a long stretch of not writing down the gifts I have seen I trust You to be glorified in my recognition of these gifts... all by Your grace.

Gifts received...

187. found out that I am not positive for that Group B Strep so I will not have to have an IV with those antibiotics at labor and delivery

186. sand and gravel from the church next door to help us continue building up the foundation on the other side of our home

185. time and energy to go to the grocery store without the kiddos

184. watching the clouds and then the rain with my hubby and kiddos before dinner and then seeing Joshua ride his bike in the rain and laughing

183. finding the disc with all my pictures from Jan 2007 through April 2007

182. a husband who lives with me in such an understanding way

181. being able to attend the first Training Up Your Child Seminar at our pastor's home this evening AND having a babysitter.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Year of Living in the Big House

This past weekend marked a year since we moved into our big house on the corner. We've learned much about old homes, homes on the corner, homes with basements, homes that need windows, homes that are big in our eyes. All of those things can easily be wrapped up in what we've learned about God through getting this house: God cares for His children.

Gifts I see today that God lavished on me and my fam in the recent past...

180. Finding problems in our house that need to be addressed immediately and knowing we have savings to pay for them and not go back into debt.

179. Getting setbacks in our plans for home improvements only to see that God's way is far better, cheaper, quicker, satisfying, and suitable for our current situation. (Example: Owning an abnormally large front door which caused problem after problem in trying to buy a custom-sized storm door so we could open the door and get some fresh air without having bugs come in. Solution: William was able to build screens himself.)

178. Finding problems in our house that need to be addressed and God providing wisdom to know WHEN to tackle that issue, HOW to get it done, and TRUSTING HIM to help us in our inevitable poor choices.

177. William's salary has decreased since moving to IL, we've got more kids, a bigger home, and more expenses but God has miraculously provided for us in ways we could never have forseen.

Thank You, Father. Simply walking through this house should cause me to worship You for I should be able to see Your loving, merciful hand providing, caring for, protecting, and sustaining our family. Increase my vision for seeing You more.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

176. Having family members willing to pray for us.

175. The many ways of escape the Lord provided yesterday. Father, You truly provide EVERYTHING I need... and so much more.

174. A friend who I was in accountability with in MD is willing to hold me accountable for praying for my hubby as I read through The Power of a Praying Wife. In fact, she's the one I read it with the first time four years ago! Lord, You are amazing!

173. Playing with legos on our bed with Joshua as the other two were napping.

172. A scheduled appointment with an exterminator (Monday) to deal with our bug problem. Also, thank You, Lord, that it looks like there's a good chance we just have swarming ants and NOT termites. Either way, You are way bigger than this problem!

171. God bringing to my remembrance 1 Corinthians 13 at dinner as I was really battling my anger. Felt conviction immediately as I remembered that love is PATIENT. Something that I was struggling with in that moment.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What a Wednesday! We woke up running this morning. I was trying to get a handle on the loads of laundry accumulating due to multiple urinary messes and one middle of the night nose bleed. My goal was simply to put one load of laundry in the wash before beginning my quiet time so that before the kiddos woke up for the day I could have a load in the dryer.

Well, here's what happened. I got the load in the wash and was carrying up the load from the dryer, watching each step carefully so I wouldn't lose my balance. As I got to the first landing I put my foot on the step and saw countless ants, crawling and flying, SWARMING around my foot.

Let me break here. If you know me well, you know I have a BIG BUG ISSUE. For whatever reason, bugs are very much attracted to me, always have been. As a result, I get TONS of mosquito bites, ant bites, and find myself stalked by all sorts of flying and crawling critters.

Back to the story. I gasp something like, Oh my, flick off my flipflop, and run tothe top of the stairs to meet William. He grabs the basket of clothes and I simply say, "Bugs! Tons of them!" He grabs a shoe to kill them and I say, "You can't kill them! There's too many!"

Because I generally am a whimp when it comes to insects, he goes to investigate and swiftly comes back saying, "Wow. This can't wait. I've got to go take care of this now."

So, at 6:15ish this morning, Hubby grabs a coffee to go and drives to Home Depot. As he leaves he tells me to put a towel down blocking entrance for other flying creatures to enter. He calls from his cellphone to tell me he's gonna buy some serious chemicals. I start praying and killing the ones that have that quickly come into our living space.

To skip all the details of what took place next, just know that though many chemicals were sprayed and many crawling and flying creatures died, William himself is freaked out. As of this evening, he can't tell where they are coming from. There are SO many. He even moved the fridge in our garage and found them there. Oh my oh my. Just typing this is making me itch.

But, I can still thank God for SO much! Here are some gifts I saw through this day...

170. Having a husband who drops everything to care for and protect our fam. And I am not being dramatic here! William is SUCH a gift! He knows just how seriously and quickly I scratch and am uncomfortable and he went out of his way to provide EVERYTHING I would need! He moved food we were storing down there. He put the load of laundry in the dryer for me. He's doing a load of laundry for me now as he doesn't want me to have to go down there tonight. He used the shop-vac to suck up those pesty things. And there's so much more! Hubby, you are so good to me!

Lord, would You strengthen my husband and pour out Your mercy on him. Give Him wisdom to know how to handle this situation. Thank You for his leadership and care for our fam.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Care Group

The gift I'd like to record today...

169. being able to attend care group is a gift from God. Not only do we have free, reliable, and excellent childcare (thanks to another couple in our care group who drops off their 16 year old daughter EVERY care group night!), we are exhorted and learn SO much from listening to the other members. I'm amazed at how God can use such a wide range of ages and experiences to help us see and love Him more.

Monday, June 2, 2008

With My Hubby

Just one I want to record for today...

168. having Hubby home for dinner ALL week! No night meetings!!! I think our last full week of dinners together was in March. Thank You, Lord, for this gift of time together! Help us to use our evenings together to bring You pleasure...

Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is very easy for me to not take into consideration the gifts of convenience I receive ALL the time. Well, as the coffee pot is letting me know it's done after getting cued up by Hubby last night, I am grateful for the delay setting, a gift of convenience. Though I don't even want to begin to tell you of my grumblings against this coffee pot! Oh, how prone to wander I am...

Some of the resources I am thanking God for this morning

167. those ten new windows we got shortly after moving in to our house. How wonderful it is to open the windows and get a breeze from outside!

166. our computer and the Internet. Talk about a gift that can be used for evil but can also be used to bring Him so much glory! There are so many great resources online I have taken advantage of. Lord, You know where I am prone to sin in this area. Help me to be ever on guard for sin is deceptive! Help me seek You regarding what it is You are calling me to at a particular time.

165. the Bible! What I would do without the precious Word of God! This book is the greatest resource I have and the only book I open every day. It is the book which not just grows my affections for God but (as Psalm 119:130 says) "imparts understanding to the simple" (aka me!).
164. books that grow my affection for the Lord!

163. a cellphone that allows me to talk with my husband whenever I need or want to.

162. a husband who knows how to make screens for our storm door.

161. my old blow dryer and flat iron which are still hanging in there and working!

160. indoor plumbing

159. being able to listen to a message online at any time, usually for free!

158. hearing a bit of the Truth for Life broadcast by Allistair Begg on Teaching Your Children Well.

157. friends letting us borrow their spreader so William can help get our lawn into shape.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Life is such a gift, Lord. William and I read the local paper yestersday morning and saw that a four year old girl was shot (thankfully, not fatally) as she sat in a car with a family member the other night. The police did apprend the suspects. But, it brings it closer to home when we realized it was literally five blocks down.

Also, on my way to the chiropractor I heard that a twenty-one year old woman died after beign shot while sitting at a red light in SE Chicago. No, not near us, but it reminds me of how each day is a gift. The woman was two months pregnant...

156. Thank You, Lord, for another day of safety for our family.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Thursday Arrives

Well, I have not been able to keep up with recording the endless gifts of the Lord lately but He certainly has been pouring them out and helping me to see His work!

The gifts I've seen lately, in no particular order...

155. being asked to share my testimony at the next Women's Meeting (Strands of Grace) at our church

154. being able to see just how lost I was by rereading old journals that chronicle my life before Christ and that transition to living for Him

153. being transformed by His power

152. more interactions with the girls next door and trying to build that relationship

151. asking Laura, a teenage girl who lives nearby, to teach me Spanish and having her excited to help me

150. not having to take the kiddos with me to my chiropractor appointments due to William's insistance on being home to relieve that small burden from me (thank you, Hubby!)

149. attending our church's weekly Park Day and allowing the kiddos to play with lots of kids

148. having Dad W. desire to get us a new camera after ours broke

147. having time alone with my hubby for 2 nights and being able to really talk and enjoy one another

146. being able to do some short term planning with hubby on our mini-retreat

145. having a Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer who loves me (though I continually sin against Him) and lets me come into His presence and be filled!

Dear God, thank You for giving me this brief time of reflection and remembrance. It is evidence of Your faithfulness and goodness. I pray, in Jesus' name, that You would be glorified through me, in me, and around me this new day and that You would continue to open my eyes to see You more and more and more! I love You...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Manna

In asking the Lord for manna today He graciously provided the following gifts...

Kia, you need to:

144. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

143. Humble yourself before Me, and I will exalt you. (James 4:10)

142. See what passions are at war within you. (James 4:1)

141. Do what you know to be right or else you are sinning against Me. (James 4:17)

In addition to receiving His instruction I was (and still am) the recipient of His blessings! Though my struggles were very real this morning/today, He has given me...

140. Energy to have Circle Time with the kiddos, despite my lack of enthusiasm

139. A body that was able to walk to the library and back with the kiddos, despite moments of having to slow down

138. Food to feed my hungry muchkins upon returning from the library

137. Time to read with Joshua alone

136. A constant awareness of my need to continue cultivating affections for my hubby as he, not my kiddos, is my priority after my relationship with my Lord Jesus

Thank You, most kind and merciful Lord for constantly reminding me of my deseperate need for You. As I grow in seeing my need for You I appreciate all the more these precious gifts. May I unwrap each one with a thankful heart that worships You more.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Undeserved and Surprising Gifts

These are just some of the MANY gifts I've encountered lately. May God open my eyes to see even more!


135. That I can worship the Living God

134. Conversations with strangers in the chiropractor's office

133. Recounting my conversion and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I belong to Him

132. Being humbled as I tried in vain to communicate with the two little girls next door in Spanish

131. Breakfast time sharing about quiet times and having children at the ages of two and three ask questions and desire to know more about God.

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Gifts

130. another day of safety for our family

129. our chickenwire fence which creates a safe space for the kiddos to play (so they don't get hit by the cars that like to turn around in our driveway) yet still allows us to interact with our neighbors

128. more opportunties to build with those in our neighborhood

127. remembering to use (and actually having) coupons at the store

126. being reminded that kadin and his temper and personality are gifts from God. God has work He is wanting to do in me through me mothering kadin. the sanctification process is still ON. Lord, give me grace to remember that, believe that, and rest in that wonderful truth.

125. hearing joshua ask saraina if she would pray for him this evening.

124. having nothing on the calendar tomorrow! daddy, mommy, and the kiddos... a true family day!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Life

123. Cousin Hamilton Ibrahim Whitney was born today to Uncle Freeman and Auntie Jenny. Thank You, Lord God, for the gift of this precious baby's life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Insurance & Friends

Gifts from the Lord...

122. A friend coming over to allow me to go to the chiropractor without the kiddos. (Thank, Bethany! Seriously, thank you very much!!!!)

121. Health insurance that covers chiropractic care! I truly can feel a difference this evening after getting my 3rd adjustment. What a gift!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Simple Things (i.e the stuff I take for granted)

This list by itself could reach 1000 gifts though I'm only going to document some. Lord, continually bring to my remembrance how good I've got it because I live in this country and how great I've got it because I'm saved by Your grace alone!

120. color - the different colors of people, trees, animals, foods, the sun, you name it! God sure does reveal His majesty through it!

119. access to the internet

118. running water

117. toilets, even those yucky public ones I refuse to sit on

116. the refrigerator in our garage which allows me to buy more things in bulk and on sale

115. cloth diapers - though I don't use them for the kiddos bottoms anymore, there are still so many uses!

114. a double sink in the kitchen

113. Priceline (We're having a Hubby-Wifey Retreat and get two nights in a hotel!!!)

112. seasons of life (not just Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. the seasons the Lord has us go through to grow us, refine us, mold us, rebuke us, etc. periods of ease and periodsof constant battling.

111. sweet endings (i.e. putting the kiddos to bed and just talking with them about the things they can thank God for or hearing the people they want to lift up in prayer)

Monday, May 12, 2008

There are so many I could write, especially from this past weekend. Perhaps I'll add to this list later. But, for now, here are two good and perfect gifts from the Lord...

110. the opportunity to humble myself in front of the kiddos by crying out in prayer this afternoon as I continued to face temptation after temptation on the way to, during, and then after the chiropractor appointment. Thank You, Lord, for having mercy on me!

109. giggling with the kiddos in Joshua's bed as I told them a story (aka made up a story on the fly - an idea from my friend Jerusha). It was so cute how even as I was leaving their room I could hear Saraina reciting one of the repetitive lines.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Another Work Week Closes

Fridays have always been exciting days for me but now that I am married Fridays are that much more special! Spending time with my hubby is my most favorite thing in the world (after spending time with the Savior, of course) as he is my most favorite person in the world (after the Savior, of course). Even after having children that I ADORE and would do anything for, my prince remains in that precious #2 space in my heart. (Yes, my Savior has that #1 spot!)

These gifts are ones I've received from the Lord from my man, my prince, my hubby bubby... William...

108. Joshua ADORES his papa! He wants to be just like his daddy when he grows up! What a gift it is having a son who always thinks so highly of his daddy. Yeah, maybe that's normal but it is still a gift for me to see it and be affected by it.

107. He is approachable and will listen to my concerns, challenges, and crazy ideas. Though he may want me to shut up, he NEVER communicates that. It is such a gift having him simply listen to me.

106. He knows how to have fun and will make time for it. That is one little way of how I want to be more like him. Just as an example, last night there was some major police activity outside our dining room windows. What does my hubby do? He pulls two chairs up to the window, raises the blinds all the way and we pretend we are watching Cops... but only live! The only thing missing was popcorn!

105. He does the dishes every night he is home. Oh- and he literally does the dishes b/c we don't have a dishwasher. As he says, he IS the dishwasher!

104. He is incredibly understanding and extends grace to me day after day, even when he wakes up and there's no clean underwear in his drawer!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Barriers Now Opportunities

On our main blog I'm in the process of posting an entry called "Barriers Now Opportunities" and I couldn't resist doing something similar here. The gifts listed here are things I saw as barriers initially but, with the help of the Lord, are now opportunities for me to trust the Lord.

105. My hubby's night meetings were a nuissance at first that really tempted me to anger. I now see how kind of the Lord to bestow the gift of a husband who provides for his family in addition to giving me opportunities to accomplish things I would not normally have time to get done. Thank You, Lord, for showing me that I can redeem the time with Your grace!

104. Food limitations due to food allergies is showing me I have a real opportunity to serve my family. This "barrier" is really a gift from the Sovereign Lord to help me grow in putting others first, beginning with my fam!

103. Not having a clue of what to do with 25-pounds of brown sweet rice could've been a barrier but instead it has become an opportunity to be creative in my cooking and trusting God to help me in that.

102. Language barrier turned into opportunity for me to humbly recognize my need for others' help in learning Spanish. It is also revealing an opportunity for me to grow in compassion and act on that compassion as it relates to my Spanish-speaking neighbors. God mercifully provided just the friend to be here at just the right moment to speak Spanish with one of the neighbors I've desperately wanted to connect with. Lord, You amaze me by Your timing and creativity!

101. Barrier of taking the whole crew with me to my 30-week prego appointment turned into blessing as a friend (the same one from gift #102) offered to watch my kiddos for me, allowing me to go to the doctor appointment with ease and get answers to the questions I had. (In case you happen to read this, Hanna, thank-you so very much!) The opportunity in this was simply trust God to provide a way. Opportunities to trust come my way lots so I believe the Lord is really working on me in this particular area!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Counting my Gifts

Tonight I get to record five gifts from today and round my gifts up to a cool one hundred. But in doing so, I think of all the gifts I have not recorded. All the gifts I am fearful to record. All the gifts I have not been aware of. All the gifts I have taken for granted. All the gifts I've tried in vain to take credit for.

Lord, increase my vision for Your hand in my life, Your hand that upholds me, Your hand that created me. Help me to be ever-growing in seeing Your goodness and giving You praise. May I see, hear, taste, smell, and feel You more and sing Your praises more as a result. As Matt Redman says, "Worship starts with seeing You." I want to see You more. I want to recognize You more as I experience all these undeserved gifts.

100. Having a Hubby that lets me buy over $200 worth of healthy bulk food and is willing to eat it (or at least try it!)

99. Blowing bubbles on the porch and playing out back after the rain

98. Pushing through fear of man and using my nonexistent Spanish to speak to the two little girls next door. Amazing how a smile is read and understood regardless of the language barrier.

97. Hearing, "Mommy, I like when you read to me."

96. Getting an appointment with a chiropractor scheduled!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This evening I am thankful for the gifts of...

95. clean sheets and quilts on the beds

94. a friend willing to watch the kiddos so I can go to my 30 week appt without the whole gang

93. hearing Kadin say his two words: Amen & gentle

92. getting a shower before Hubby went to work AND not having to do anything with my hair

91. being able to bake bread from scratch with my own hands

Monday, May 5, 2008

How our cup overflows! Thank You, my King for these gifts...

90. Hubby's job! A year ago today, he was still unemployed. How You provide for Your people!

89. Receiving a bag of clothes for Saraina from our pastor's wife. I am so humbled that she would even think of us! And Saraina's response to the clothes: "Oh! It's beautiful! Please may I put on? Please. May I?"

88. That God always provides "a way out" of temptations.

87. Hearing Joshua respond like so when asked what he should do when he wakes up in the morning: "Stay on my bed and have my quiet time."

86. Seeing Joshua and Saraina embrace to comfort the other. So often Saraina will simply open her arms and look at Joshua and Joshua knows she needs a hug from her big bro.

Friday, May 2, 2008

There seems to be a trend here lately as I have been getting home too late to update this blog on things the Lord has showed me are true GIFTS from Him, the Gift Giver! Ah well, He is not going to punish me for my tardiness. I must remind myself that I'm writing this to recount and remember His kindness to my fam and I, there is no rush and His gifts are endless!

Gifts from yesterday...

85. Watching the kiddos enjoy their Grammy (and vice versa!) outdoors.

84. Coupons. Thank You for the gift of getting out alone for a quick meal with my Hubby, Lord, and for allowing it to cost less than $8. We were able to talk about important things without being excessively tired. Indeed we are starting to think through and seek You on what You might be calling us to in terms of homeschooling and training our kiddos. That is an incredible date night!

83. Kadin's doctor appt (15 month) going well and Grammy was here freeing me to take him solo! Mercy from the Lord!

82. Receiving $$ to get the kiddos some Spring/Summer gear

81. Getting my hair relaxed by a professional (i.e. it did not cause scabs or burns and my wait was not long) who has a similar philospohy in treating black hair, meaning our hair is not BAD or NAPPY. What a treat it is not having to mess with those horrible chemicals! Thank You, Lord for Niecy's skills and for my Hubby who willingly and joyful allowed me to get this done!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Last night I got home a bit too late to post my gifts from yesterday. Well, as the title of the post suggests, I am so thankful to the Savior for OTHERS. Specifically, I see the gifts of...

80. my adorable husband who is so attentive to me and our little fam

79. having so many gifted women in my church willing to share their experiences with homeschooling

78. being spurred on in my walk with the Lord from my own little kiddos

77. having a mother-in-law willing to change her plans at a moments notice to allow me to attend something unexpectant by babysitting the kiddos

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One Gift to Reflect On

In reading about a friend who has been battling infertility I feel movement in my womb. How strange and unexpectant life can be at times. And how quickly I can forget these "little" gifts from my Lord.

So, my one gift I'd like to write about this evening is simply...

76. the gift of pregnancy, of feeling a baby move inside my body. And it is all undeserved! I don't deserve to have children and I especially don't deserve to be able to carry my own in my womb. Thank You, Lord God, for this gift... which is all undeserved, all unearned, and all Your doing... I stand amazed. Please bless those who earnestly desire to have children. Bless those women. May You, in Your mercy, open their wombs. Remind them (and me!) that You are all we need!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Thank You, Lord, for...

75. a day with minimal sciatic pain

74. a weekend together as a family (even though many were sick!)

73. children that ask to pray

72. the ability to bake bread from scratch and the smell that fills the house

71. the rain which is watering Hubby's sod

Friday, April 25, 2008

This Ole House

Perhaps it's because I spend so much time at home but I just am in awe of God's provision and blessing to our family in providing us with this ole house. The two gifts that follow are those related to us using this gift.

70. We have our new backyard play climber up and ready to be enjoyed. Thank You, Lord, for this gift! The kiddos were so excited as Daddy was putting it together! I am so excited to invite 2 of our neighbors and their kids over to enjoy it with us! What a gift to be able to share Your kindness with others!

69. It rained as the kiddos were playing on the climber so we took our party into the garage to watch and listen to the rain and squeal at the lightning and thunder. What a gift watching the kids run into the rain and splash in the puddles and respond to the gift of rain!

I'll add some pics to this post tomorrow!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Little Things

Tonight I'm short on time but not too short on time to communicate thanks to God for...

68. bubbles and the effect they have on kids, esp. Kadin with his deep laugh

67. dinner with the hubby

66. not receiving a call from the dr. office in regards to my glucose test last week

65. finding a climber for the backyard $100 off!

Nite, nite!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Midweek gifts

Midweek gifts...

63. No more meetings for Hubby this week after tonight!

62. Received grace to tell the kids at dinner that I needed to pray to God. I closed my eyes and cried out to the Father in Jesus' name to give me wisdom to know how to handle Kadin (throwing a tantrum, shaking his fists, turning red, and refusing to eat his broccoli). Immediately I knew that the Lord would supply me (and was supplying me!) with just the tools and patience and love for Him that I needed to endure that "trial." Thank You, Lord!

61. Recognized my prone to wander heart desiring to fulfill the momentary pleasure of responding to a salesperson on the phone with sarcasm and disgust. Though I did get annoyed (aka angry!) with her, God granted me much grace to not continue on that path. Indeed I regret that my initial response to her was not pleasing to God.

60. Found (what seems to be) the playset we want for our backyard for the kiddos ON $ALE beginning tomorrow. Trusting God for wisdom.

59. Utilizing the tangible gifts God has granted us (i.e. our backyard, front porch).

58. Watching the kids play together in the dirt "cooking."

57. William & I hearing this during our quiet times this morning--
J: Saraina? Where are you? Sissy!!!! Where are you, Saraina? (repeat ~3 times)

S: (~ 5 minutes later) I just hiding Joshua. Yeah. I just hiding on the chair.

56. Having a game Joshua and Saraina can play together and alone! Thank you, Lord, for Auntie Sarah and for her willingness to pass along Barnyard Bingo! They had a blast playing it over and over and over and over. They were so precious saying things like, "All done. Your turn, Saraina." Or "Here you go, Joshua. Mommy, I just help Joshua. Yeah."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grace upon Grace

Ever end your day and marvel at the fact that Jesus suffered, bled, and died for you? Well, that's the kind of day I had.

But isn't that kind of the Lord to provide those days? Let's face it. We should feel that way EVERY day. Yet when things go smooth and calculated, we get things crossed off our lists and we can forget the truth that Jesus is the reason we've experienced ANYTHING good! As the Scripture our pastor preached this past Sunday says, "... pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." (Hebrews 2:1)

And on to the gifts from the Giver...

55. hearing the back door open and anticipating seeing my Hubby

54. older bro cheering little sis on as she peddled alone on her trike for the first time

53. hearing Scripture recited by a 2-year old

52. hot showers

51. Grace, grace, grace

Monday, April 21, 2008

A New Week Begins

I love the godly pressure I feel in having to update this blog! It truly is forcing me to thank God for things I take for granted and causes me to stop, see, and sing praises to my King. That said, I have decided that I will NOT update on the weekend for I want to enjoy living, experiencing, enjoying these marvelous gifts without having to excuse myself from time with my man or with our kiddos. That said, I still find myself over the weekend thinking, "Lord, help me see all the things I need to thank You for!"

Speaking of our weekend, we had a full and fun weekend and a full and fun start to a new week. Here are some of the gifts God has lavished on our fam...

50. Watching and listening to the sounds of sleeping children.

49. Joshua, standing between Kadin and Saraina, puts his arm around them as they were looking out our window this morning. Then he kisses them one at a time and then lays his head on Kadin's and says, "You're my precious boy." I love seeing and hearing him as he imitates his Daddy!

48. The line, "And Your saints below join with Your saints above rejoicing in the Risen Lamb!" from "The Glories of Calvary." We sang that at church on Sunday and I immediately thought of Andrea and others.

47. How quick Saraina is to say, "Thank you, Mommy for my pony tails! I love my pony tails!"

46. Joshua attending his first Cubs game with his Daddy, Grandad, and Uncle Freeman (who's expecting a baby REAL soon!!!). It so tickles me hearing Joshua share with Saraina about his time "with just the boys" (as he told his Sissy) and then telling her and me, "Maybe next year Saraina can come to the ball game."

45. Building our friendship with our neighbor Joe by attending Mary Poppins with him and then having him join us for dinner afterward.

44. How the kiddos are a great excuse to meet our neighbors and exchange smiles and waves. It really is a blessing how they feel no awkwardness in staring, pointing, and talking about them right in front of them. We getting closer to inviting two of the families with little kiddos over to play. How sweet it is to work through fear of man revolving speaking different languages!

43. The pressure cooker and frozen lentils and pork chops leftovers! Lord, thank You for providing a meal that required little prep time thanks to the pressure cooker and the leftovers. What a difference it can make when we want to enjoy more time outside!

42. Honey. I ran out of strawberry jam but was able to substitute it with honey for our wannabee PBJ sandwiches. But, honestly, Lord, Sunflower Seed Butter is also a gift! Since the boys can't eat peanut butter it is such a gift giving them something similar but safe!

41. Our first tulips blossoming!

40. Eating lunch outside because it always allows for some contact with some neighbor. Today was the pastor of the church next door. And though we couldn't be on further sides of the spectrum in terms of our beliefs, the Lord keeps providing opportunity after opportunity to build our relationship.

39. Saraina singing as she played outside, "... of the darkness have no fear..." over and over and over. Then she switched to, "Blessed be Your name when the suns shining down me..."

38. The sound of Joshua excited playing basketball and saying, "Yes!"

37. Going to the zoo and then park today right after they opened and then running in to a friend from church.

36. Joshua saying, "How 'bout I can show you?" when I told him I wasn't any good at basketball.

35. Play clothes!

34. The look on my Hubby's face and our corny and predictable phrases we greet each other with when he gets home after a long day of work.

Friday, April 18, 2008

With Death in View

When we live with eternity in view, we tend to see things differently. My friend Andrea passed away this evening and in thinking about her death I see the following gifts...

33. Scripture

32. friends, both those near and far

31. time alone with my hubby in the quiet of our home

30. fresh flowers from my hubby

29. the ability to dig up weeds

28. and more... but I must sleep... which is another gift!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Financial Gifts from THE GIVER

The theme for tonight seems to be on God's gift of financial blessings. These gifts from God are ALL UNDESERVED and handsdown show me just how well He knows us, our needs, and our desires. Seriously, these gifts have nothing to do with how well we maintained our budget or how wise we are to make some of the choices we have made. NOPE. These blessings, like all gifts, have been given simply to allow us to point back to The Giver whom alone is worthy of all our adoration!

27. Our house. Every day when I walk down our stairs I am AMAZED that we live in this house and are better off financially now than we were back in MD living in our 3rd floor condo.

26. Found a very special card from my Dad in the mail today which had a check to go towards a home project or fence for our backyard. The kiddos inquired at lunch why I was crying from opening up the mail and all I could think to tell them is, "... because God is so good to us... to me. He loves us so much that I can't help but cry happy tears."

25. Received a $20 refund from (what must-have-been) an overpayment on a medical bill!

24. Hubby went to Meijer at 6 AM to buy the picnic table we've wanted for awhile. We found out it was on sale at Meijer beginning 6 AM today for less $$ than any place else we'd seen it. Plus is came with a free umbrella! Oh- and he was able to use an additional $5 off coupon I had been holding "just in case." Only the Lord could orchestrate such a thing!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

From the Mouth of Babes

My hubby had meeting for work tonight so it was just me and the kiddos. I asked the kids to think about their day and tell me what they were thankful to God for. Here's what they shared with me...

23. "being outside" (SEW)

22. "a lot of trees and signs" (JCW)

21. (after a follow-up question he added) "signs tell the cars to stop and some signs tell you to go fast" (JCW)

20. "for you (Mommy) watching me [outside]" (JCW) (Note: he inquired whether or not I was going to do yard work and I replied I just wanted to enjoy watching them play.)

19. "and you let me drink out of your cup" (JCW) (Note: Joshua asked to drink out of my water bottle.)

18. "all the kids, Joshua, Kadin, and me Saraina going outside" (SEW)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day Two - Seeing His Gifts

As the evening closes I see more gifts from the Lord. Some of which are:

17. Having a friend come over during naptime/quiet play time and being spurred on in my walk with the Lord.

16. Going to the park with the kiddos and having all three of them play / have fun!

15. Friends who keep me posted on how a friend battling cancer is doing. It is a gift how they include me in the updates on her progress.

14. The gift of learning the librarian's name. It's so nice to be able to address people by name.

13. Going to the store because we unexpectantly ran out of milk (very rare for us!) and finding it on sale!

12. Being outside with the kiddos as Hubby came home from work.

11. Finding a nickel in the car to pay for parking at the library so I could drop off the almost overdue videos.

Now that I've jotted down some of them, I'm seeing the blessing of relationship today. Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why Another Blog

Just what the world needs... another blog! But, this blog is truly for our family. It is named Hearts of Gratitude because that is just what I desire our family to cultivate, beginning with ME! The Scripture I'm basing this blog on is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 which says,

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (ESV)

The Message translation of the above Scripture reads,

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

That is my prayer for me. That is my prayer for my family. That is my prayer for God's people!

And this idea is NOT mine! I give complete credit to Ann at A Holy Experience for sharing this idea and inviting others to give thanks to God for His innumerable blessings. May He be honored and glorified as we seek to see Him in our every day lives...

Won't you join me?

Here's where I am beginning. These are some of the GIFTS I am giving Him thanks for today...

10. Thank you for evenings together, just me and my hubby.

9. Thank you for a husband that doesn't get angry when he opens his drawer and find no clean underwear.

8. Thank you dinner turned out well (a beef roast cooked in coffee) and everyone ate.

7. Thank you for drawing my attention to Proverbs 31:27 this morning.

6. Thank you for allowing me see Kadin apologize to Joshua by walking over to him and placing his head on Joshua's chest.

5. Thank you for a husband that shares his thoughts and daily experiences with me and blesses me by allowing me to know what he's thinking.

4. Thank you for allowing me to briefly speak with Ed, the mailman.

3. Thank you for the sun shining and allowing us to play outside in the backyard for a bit.

2. Thank you for the growth of the tomato plants.

1. Thank you for Joshua praying for the pain in my belly this morning before I even asked him to pray.