Friday, October 30, 2009

A Rare Moment of Silence

336. A rare moment of silence. Well, the dryer is running with my FINAL load of laundry. Yes, praise to God for no dirty laundry in the basement. Ah, that is amazing and purely a gift from God in our season. All 5 kiddos are napping... or at least on their beds... and quiet. Yes, a rare but wonderful rare moment of silence. I do hear the rain outside though... and the cars going by. But a rare quiet. No stinky diapers to change. No arguments over crayons. No spilled water. No screaming of anyone in anger. And in this rare moment of silence I hear You loud and clear. You are telling me, reminding me of what You've told me before... You deserve the glory. You have granted me the gift of children. You have allowed me to marry the husband I have. You alone are responsible for this brief reprieve from life's drudgery. So, my God and King, I thank You for this moment of quiet and realize that the quiet's good... but the noise of a house full of kiddos and a crazy husband is FAR better!

Good thing because kiddo #1 just came out of his room and is standing beside me saying, "Mommy, I napped." Of course, he didn't nap for I just closed his bedroom door 10 minutes ago!

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