Friday, March 27, 2009

Playing on the Porch

271. The three bigger kiddos were all playing outside on the porch yesterday before lunch. How nice! Though we still don't have the fence we hope to have one day, I saw the blessing of having multiple children close in age at play yesterday... for they had such a good time together. I set out the kitchen play items and gave them some of our old homemade play dough to have fun with and they were as happy as can be.

Lord, thank You for granting us these children so close in age! People always talk about "how nice it'll be when they are all older" but I see the blessing now. And thank You for giving us an oldest child who is so responsible at his young age. He does such a great job alerting to situations I need to deal with (i.e. if Kadin starts to go off the porch!). I so love these kiddos You've granted us to raise!

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