Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random Praises from our Day

270. Hearing (for what seems like the millionth time) a stranger say, "Your kids are so well behaved?! They're all so good!" Lord, You alone receive the glory for that for I am fully aware of my sin in trying to train them. Thank You, Lord God, for being so incredibly merciful to me. They really are good kids.

269. Putting our sweetie pie Paloma Joy down for nite nite and watching her slip her little thumb in her mouth.

268. Watching seeds sprout and live emerge from dirt.

267. Being a part of the Body.

266. Experiencing moments of nausea but knowing it will only last for a season.

265. Eating in the sunshine, watching the kiddos feet dangle from the big picnic table, and hearing their sweet giggles at lunch.

264. Walking in the sunshine with the kiddos to the library.

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