Thursday, April 17, 2008

Financial Gifts from THE GIVER

The theme for tonight seems to be on God's gift of financial blessings. These gifts from God are ALL UNDESERVED and handsdown show me just how well He knows us, our needs, and our desires. Seriously, these gifts have nothing to do with how well we maintained our budget or how wise we are to make some of the choices we have made. NOPE. These blessings, like all gifts, have been given simply to allow us to point back to The Giver whom alone is worthy of all our adoration!

27. Our house. Every day when I walk down our stairs I am AMAZED that we live in this house and are better off financially now than we were back in MD living in our 3rd floor condo.

26. Found a very special card from my Dad in the mail today which had a check to go towards a home project or fence for our backyard. The kiddos inquired at lunch why I was crying from opening up the mail and all I could think to tell them is, "... because God is so good to us... to me. He loves us so much that I can't help but cry happy tears."

25. Received a $20 refund from (what must-have-been) an overpayment on a medical bill!

24. Hubby went to Meijer at 6 AM to buy the picnic table we've wanted for awhile. We found out it was on sale at Meijer beginning 6 AM today for less $$ than any place else we'd seen it. Plus is came with a free umbrella! Oh- and he was able to use an additional $5 off coupon I had been holding "just in case." Only the Lord could orchestrate such a thing!

1 comment:

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

This just took my breath away!
Isn't God beyond gracious?

I never get used to what He does. (And then, maybe I do... and the Gift List wakes me up again to the wonder of His common grace!)

A privilege to give thanks to Father with you!

Let's keep counting His goodnesses and giving Him Glory!

Your giving Him praise in the assembly of the saints blesses....

All's grace,