Monday, June 16, 2008

A Year of Living in the Big House

This past weekend marked a year since we moved into our big house on the corner. We've learned much about old homes, homes on the corner, homes with basements, homes that need windows, homes that are big in our eyes. All of those things can easily be wrapped up in what we've learned about God through getting this house: God cares for His children.

Gifts I see today that God lavished on me and my fam in the recent past...

180. Finding problems in our house that need to be addressed immediately and knowing we have savings to pay for them and not go back into debt.

179. Getting setbacks in our plans for home improvements only to see that God's way is far better, cheaper, quicker, satisfying, and suitable for our current situation. (Example: Owning an abnormally large front door which caused problem after problem in trying to buy a custom-sized storm door so we could open the door and get some fresh air without having bugs come in. Solution: William was able to build screens himself.)

178. Finding problems in our house that need to be addressed and God providing wisdom to know WHEN to tackle that issue, HOW to get it done, and TRUSTING HIM to help us in our inevitable poor choices.

177. William's salary has decreased since moving to IL, we've got more kids, a bigger home, and more expenses but God has miraculously provided for us in ways we could never have forseen.

Thank You, Father. Simply walking through this house should cause me to worship You for I should be able to see Your loving, merciful hand providing, caring for, protecting, and sustaining our family. Increase my vision for seeing You more.

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